Monday, January 31, 2011

Everythings gonna be alright

So I am in a heap of trouble guys but seriously that won’t stop me at all. See Friday went down as planned for the most part but somehow it took a turn for the worse. Let me back up and tell you the whole thing from beginning to end. 

Cassie called Denise to meet up at the park, they talked for a little and then Cassie texted me to come to the park. Ro, Kyle, Peter and I arrived at the park about fifteen minutes later; as soon as we go there you could tell Denise was not happy. Of course since she thought Cassie was still on her side she thought she was going to be all big and bad by giving me some attitude. When I walked over to where they were and gave Cassie a hug, Denise totally deflated. I asked her if we could talk and she gave me that attitude I know she is known for but really it didn’t faze me. Inside I knew she was shitting bricks and mentally scorning herself for even coming to hang out with traitor Cassie. She gave in and told me to just say what I needed to say so she could leave. 

Me: Denise I know it was you who started the rumor about me getting knocked up with apparently Ro’s baby. What I don’t know is why you would start such a hateful rumor?
Denise: I didn’t start anything, Please I have way better things to do than just sit around trying to make up rumors about you.
Me: Well I have three people at school saying they heard it straight from your mouth at the Burger Joint. Seriously it’s okay I don’t even want to know why you came up with that lie anymore. I am so over you Denise it isn’t even funny. I should of listened to all those people warning me about you and how jealous you are.
Denise: Jealous? Please you think I am jealous of you? Seriously look at me and look at you that should be answer enough on the jealous part. I mean you are flat cheasted and I mean look at how deathly skinny you are. I could seriously break you in half with just saying BOO.
Ro: Um, Denise seriously you are such a bitch. Mace may not have boobs as big as yours but I would take her any day over you. Actually all of us guys here would take her over you. You may think your hot shit but you’re not. Guys only want one thing from you when they talk to you and that is to fuck you and go. They know you’re easy that’s why half of the guys who talk to you do.
Me: RO that’s enough. Listen, Denise I don’t want to be friends with you ever. You are the worst friend in the entire universe and nothing would ever make me want to talk to you. So just so you know the next time you have a freak out don’t call me. You are seriously dead to me Denise and I mean it.
Casssie: Just in case you didn’t get the hint we are no longer friends either. You ditched me to go suck the frosty mans dick so you could get free frosties. Seriously Denise get some more fucking self respect. Oh and my brother hates your guts he never liked you stop obsessing about him.
Denise: Oh wow seriously Cassie the only reason why you are saying this right now is because you think Mace is your friend. You will eventually find out what I found out about her and that is she doesn’t care about anyone but herself.
Me: That is not true Denise and you know that. How many fucking times did I help you get out of a bind? How many fucking times did I come to rescue you when you were too drunk to even know where you were? Tell me Denise! I seriously want to hear this answer because let me tell you every time I did come to get you RO was with me.  So try to lie yourself out of this one.
Denise: Whatever that isn’t even the point here. The point is you would be too chicken shit to even say anything to me alone. You always have to have RO with you whenever you do anything. What are you guys like attached at the hip?
That’s when Meghan showed up to the park to see what we were up to. Plus she had some things she needed to tell Denise as well and I figured she might as well while we had her. All of a sudden Denise freaked out.
Denise: Seriously? This is happening right now? Wow Mace I really see who you’ve really become. Thank god we aren’t friends anymore.
Me: Dude calms the fuck down.
Denise: Don’t tell me to calm down fucking traitor!
Me: Oh real classy Denise. Calling me a traitor is really hurting me for serious.
Meghan: Calm down Denise I am not here to start drama just end it.
Denise: I don’t want to talk to you.
Meghan: Good just listen then. I don’t know where you come off thinking I am trying to be you but I am not. I have never had a problem with you until you started talking about me at school for no reason. So I am here to put an end to all of this drama and just squash it seriously. I don’t want any more problems and I surely don’t want to hear you running your mouth about me. Also stay away from me and peter because well we don’t want anything to do with you. 

As I sat there seeing this all unfold before I could only imagine how Denise was taking it. I mean I get that she said those rumors or whatever but we have been friends since the 3rd grade. I mean that’s a long time to just one day wake up and not be friends with someone. It was like I was losing a limb but hell I wasn’t going to take her shit anymore. 

Denise: I hate you Mace I seriously can’t fucking stand you anymore bitch. I am glad I started those rumors I bet you had a field day trying to do a fucking tap dance to get out of it before your parents found out you are hanging out with Ro still. Whatever I am so done with this whole gang up on Denise thing. 

As she started to walk away I called her name out 

Me: Denise! …
Denise: What the fuck do you want?
Me; I want my shit back so if we could go to your house so I can get it that would be fucking fabulous. 

She walked towards and just spit on my face. That’s when I lost it and just punched her square in the face. We ended up fighting for a little but the guys broke it up. Once it all stopped we realized Denise was bleeding heavily from her nose, and then she started to scream really loud that I broke her nose. A part of me was scared as all hell the other part was screaming “FUX YEAH BITCH! I FUXING BROKE YOUR NOSE YOU FUCKING CUNT!” We then drove her to the hospital and Cassie called her dad to tell him about what happened. We stayed at the hospital until he got there and then left without saying a word to him. 

I really didn’t want to go home so we just went out to Meghan’s cousin’s house to a party. Kyle and I slept in the same bed but nothing really happened. I mean we made out of course but nothing really major. I mean I am still a virgin for now. 

We woke up early, went to the diner and got some breakfast. Then Cassie told us about how her brother was in Delaware with some friends at some beach house. So we decided to go over there to see what was up for the night because we all just really wanted to keep hanging out. I mean I think no one really wanted to go home and face the music. So instead we were rebellious teens and didn’t go home. We went out shopping for some new clothes and went to Cassie’s house to shower up a bit. We then left around noon to Delaware and just listened to music on the way down. It was really a lot of fun just hanging out and well it gave me time to get to know Meghan a little better. She is actually pretty funny and really artsy. She drew this cute lotus flower on my foot on the car ride and I think I might get it as a tattoo.
We got to the beach house and just hung out with Cassie’s brothers friends. Who by the way were very cool and some of them were really hot. Lucky for us Cassie brought swim suits for us girls and the guys borrowed some trunks from the guys. We just spent the day by the beach and that night we made new friends with some locals. We had a huge bon fire and just drank the night away. Ro was being a little weird with me that night and kept bothering me. I think he was just a little buzzed and sometimes when that happens he gets a little flirty. We ended up partying till about 4 in the morning and passing out for a few hours.

I woke up to my phone going off. It was a text from that weird number again saying “Shit’s about to hit the fan. Hope you are ready for this because you will find out who really has your back.” Seriously it was weird but I just put it in the back of my mind when I saw I had 25 missed calls from home and knew I was instantly in a heap of trouble. We left the beach house and rode back home somberly. I think it really settled in that we were all in trouble for not calling our parents to tell them we were okay. None of us checked in or even really had our phones on the whole weekend. I told Kyle I was really sorry for getting him in trouble but he said it was no problem. He would do it all over again if it meant having this weekend all over again with me. This obviously got him another kiss and a huge grin the whole ride back home. Ro dropped me off last and before I went in the house he stopped me. 

Ro: We could just leave you and me you know?
Me: What are you talking about?
Ro: Like we could go to Cali start all over again, just you and I. I mean think about it Mace, no parents, no drama and no hassle. We could come up with new names, new lives and make something of ourselves. Just you and I against the world and kicking ass at it mind you.
I smiled.
Me: Ro that sounds awesome but I have school you know. Now I have Kyle and well frankly now we have a nice group of friends to hang with.
Ro looked solemn. I turned his face to me and smiled.
Me: Maybe someday we could get away from this place and start over. Right now I need to be here and I need to face whatever is coming for me.  

I kissed him on the cheek and told him I loved him. Which I do love him a bunch, I mean I care about him and all.
I got yelled at by my mom and luckily for me my step dad wasn’t around.
Now to get to today! Ugh today was terrible, let me tell you that I don’t think it could get any worse than this. 

This morning my step dad drove me to school because mom was too mad to even look at me. Which kind of broke my heart a little but eventually she will come around, I mean she is my mom she loves me and all.
On the ride over I sort of had a heart to heart with my step dad. I told him what happened on Friday and how I was scared to come home after that so I just stayed with Cassie. Then he said this to me “You know your mom is really upset with you but I think she is more scared of what could have happened to you. Don’t worry she will come around just give her time.”
Which sincerely touched my heart that he knew I would be worried about that.
I got to school to find that on my locker there was ‘WHORE’ written in red spray paint on my locker. I just kept going about my business because honestly it didn’t bother me much and I wouldn’t be the one in trouble about it. Fourth period I get called down to the principal’s office which wasn’t good at all.  As I was walking down to the office I got another text from that strange number saying “I really like what you did with your locker, classy.”
Seriously it was freaky that this person kept texting me and wouldn’t tell me who it was.
I get to the office to see Denise there with her dad. She looked so busted up because of what I did to her and she was overreacting on top of all that busted-ness. 

Principal: Macy you know why I called you down here. I just want to tell you how disappointed I am in you and that you were the last student I would of ever expected this type of situation to happen to.
Me: Sorry but what is going on here?
Principal: I just became aware of a fight that happened on Friday.
Me; Oh that..
Principal: Yes Macy, that! So We were just discussing what type of punishment you will receive for doing this to this poor girl.
Me: Excuse me?
Principal: What do you mean excuse me?
Me: I mean why am I getting punished about this?
Principal: Well you can’t just go around beating up other students and expect to get away with it.
Me: Well I didn’t really beat her up, we got into a fight, equally mutual.
Principal: I don’t see your nose broken Macy.
Me: Well no, but..
Principal: But nothing! 

As they sat there discussing all the possibilities of what could happen to me now I began to zone out a bit. How the fux could this be happening to me. This bitch fuxing had it coming for a long time by all the shit she pulled on me. That’s when I heard the words Expulsion and Suspension. Oh hells no there is no way I am going to have that on my record! 

Me: Um, does anyone want to hear my side of what happened? Do you want to know why your daughter has a broken nose by someone who used to be best friends with her since the 3rd grade?
Denise’s dad: Excuse me?
Me: Well you don’t want to know why we even got into the fight or did she over dramatize that too?
Denise: Oh shut up skank!
Me: Classy Denise!
Principal: Girls calm down!
Denise’s Dad: Yes.
Denise: Yes? Denise looked like she was going to shit a brick!
I smiled.
Me: Well Denise started this whole thing by starting a fit over a boy at a party a few weeks back. She blamed it all on me when I had nothing to do with it, so she told me we weren’t friends anymore. Which is fine I was really getting tired of our friendship anyways.
Denise; Stupid Bitch!
Denise Dad: Denise! His look said ‘if you don’t shut the fuck up I will certainly eat you for breakfast and shit you out to eat you all over again!’
He nodded for me to continue. 

Me: So we hadn’t talked for a little because she was out of school. Then I heard rumors about me being pregnant and when I tracked down the source three people said they heard it from Denise. Now that could have been something I could of gotten expelled from school and worse lose a really good friend over because of Denise. Then I heard she was seen at the mall with my boyfriend who told me she told him that I was cheating on him with some other guy. Which all of this is a lie, I am not pregnant and I am certainly not cheating. So I had enough of the lies and backstabbing. I went to the park to talk to Denise not to fight but just to tell her I was done.  That I wanted my stuff back and that she was dead to me.
Principal: Those are some harsh words to say to anyone Macy.
Me: I know that’s why I said them because I wanted Denise to hurt like I did. So that was supposed to be all of it but then Meghan showed up. Meghan and Denise have a history of not liking each other really, so Denise went off calling me a traitor. She turned to walk away but I called her back to tell her I wanted my stuff back. I even offered her a ride home so I could get the stuff and just be done with all of this. She stormed back to me and spit in my face.
Principal: She spit in your face?
Me: Yes, she did. 

Denise tried to shrink back, trying to make herself smaller so people would forget she was even there. 

Me: So I lost it because that is the ultimate disrespect being spit in the face. I punched her square in the face and that is how she got the broken nose. She then proceeded to pull my hair, scratch me and try to punch me but the boys broke up the fight.
I showed my scratches and the little bruise I had on my leg from a kick.
Principal: Boys?
Me: Yes Peter and Kyle were there and another boy who doesn’t go to this school.
Denise’s Dad: So then you guys drove her to the hospital, stayed with her until I got there and left.
Me: Yes, we wanted to make sure someone was with her during her stay at the hospital. 

Denise’s dad turned to Denise and gave her the scariest look a father could give to his daughter. 

In the end I only got a week’s worth of detentions. This is way better than getting expelled or suspended from school. My parents aren’t happy about any of this but hey we live and we learn right? So Now that I have a week’s worth of detention under my belt there is no way I will be able to see Kyle unless he comes over late like Ro does sometimes. And I know I over embellished the story about me being Kyle’s girlfriend but hey we just spent the most amazing weekend together! 

Oh I almost forgot as Denise was leaving the office she called me a Bitch. I just laughed and called her a Cunt. 

As for if I am grounded I totally am but like I said that ain’t going to stop me. Ro is actually coming over tonight to help me study for my English Lit class tomorrow. I have some quiz and since I wasn’t in class for very long I didn’t get the entire lesson. I have to go he is tapping at my window.  Toodles my lovelies :) 

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