Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Today I woke up with a bad taste in my mouth, probably from all the candy I ate before bed. Yes, I brushed my teeth before going to sleep after all the candy but hey I mean morning breath still happens. Anyways for some reason I woke up extra early for school today. Usually it's mom yelling at me to wake up in the morning, but today I woke her up for work. I guess I'm just nervous about my English class later today. See our English teacher made us memorize a Soliloquy for class today the girls had to remember one and the boys had to remember the other. I would say it's a little risque for Catholic School but then again it's high school and I'm sure the teachers know that we aren't all little angels. All I know is I am completely uncomfortable getting up in front of my Hot English teacher and class mates, to say anything really. I mean it's really embarrassing to have to say things like "Take my breasts for gall" or "Woe is me" Don't get me wrong I love reading these plays but I am no actress. Plus I mean we are in high school and I know people are going to snicker when they hear the select few who decided they wanted extra credit for the class get up there and say their speech. Plus Meghan is in my class, Oh right Meghan is some girl in my year who hates me for some unknown reason to me. One day I heard a rumor that she thought I was annoying but to be honest I never spoke to that girl a day in my life. Then a few days later I heard my best mate Denise ramble on and on how Meghan was trying to be like her, which I didn't see but just nodded my head like I did. I have no clue how this feud of rumors started between Meghan and Denise but I do know that it is really annoying after a while.
Back to this whole speech thing, I am double nervous because I feel like Mr. Grey is going to pick me to go first for the girls. Which is going to be highly difficult since you know I get all sweaty and forget to breath when I have to speak infront of people. Mr. Grey knows my difficulty with public speaking, believe me I expressed my feelings about this in his office one afternoon. The thing is Mr. Grey is this hot teacher who has a strong passion for words, poetry and plays. It's really cute when he gets all into the underlying meaning of things, it's like he's discovering some new cell that is going to change the world some day, yet it's with words. The thing is Mr. Grey has been at our school for about seven years now and I find it really cool that he still gets excited about the same material year after year. I sort of look up to him and his passion for what he does. You can really tell he enjoys teaching, he loves what he does and well I want that for me someday. Anyways Mr. Grey and I kind of get along in other things than just English. The fact that we listen to the same music and like the same color is fantastic. He notices when I change my hair and he can tell when I'm having a bad day. Many times I have ended up in his office crying about Denise or my home life. Anyways The other day Mr. Grey told me his wife is Pregnant which is awesome, but what's even better is that they are having a little girl and he is going to name her after me! Which is double the awesome, his wife is so nice and beautiful. She came into class one day to just hang out with him and she is as much into English as he is. It's sort of romantic that they go geek over words.
So like I was saying I have a fear of speaking in front of people and today I think I might just die or Faint. Either way it won't be good. So I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can get through the whole thing, If I don't mess up that is just an added bonus and the cherry on the top is if I get up there and own the damn speech. So wish me luck because the bell is about to ring and I have to go to English next! I shall update on how it went :)

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