Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Seeing Red

Okay so I am uber pissed at Denise right now.  That skank that called herself my best friend totally just tried to sabbotage my thing with Kyle. Kyle is the first guy since Roman that I have been remotely interested in at all. Okay let me start from the beginning I am just having a big freak out here that's all.
She apparently saw Kyle over the weekend. They had coffee and talked about the party. Apparently she apologized to him about the freak out and decided to blurt out all this shit about me. How Roman and I have a past together. That apparently she thinks we still date but don't want others to know about it. That she thinks I am just using Kyle to get Roman jealous or something along those lines. She also tried to make her move on him saying that she thought he was cute. How they should hang out again some time soon. She gave him her number and told him to call her anytime he wants.

Monday :Coffee Shop
Kyle was running a little late so I just ordered us two Caramel Macchiatto's and took up a little table in the corner.  As I sat there waiting for him to come I get a text from Roman saying that he needed to meet up with me later. I also got a text from a strange number saying that I needed to watch who I was friends with. I texted them back asking who it was and they wouldn't say but that I needed to watch who I trusted. I was really creeped out because well who the fuck has my number that I don't know. Anyways at that time Kyle walked in and was a little stand offish. I asked him if everything was okay and that's when he laid the bomb out on me. Our conversation went like this
Me: Hey I got you a Caramel Macchiatto, hope you like it.
Kyle: Thanks, I love Caramel. 
Me: Sweet!
Kyle: So how was the rest of your weekend?
Me: It was fun, went to New York. You?
Kyle: It was fun until yesterday it got a little ..... weird. 
Me: Oh? What happened? 
Kyle: I hung out with Denise. Gives me this look like he knows everything and is pissed off sort of ..
Me: Oh.. how was that?
Kyle: I found out some stuff, glad I know what's up. 
Me: Is there something you need to tell me? What's wrong?
Kyle: Listen, I think your pretty cool and well gorgeous. I just don't like to be played with and Denise told me some things about you and that guy you were with on Friday. 
Me: Oh.. like what things?
Kyle: That you two are sort of a  thing and that you were just using me to get him jealous. 
Me: Oh is that what she said? Hmm.. Funny. I am going to beat that bitch to the fucking ground. How the fuck dare she try to pull something like this on me.
Kyle: So what's  the deal? 
Me: The deal is kyle you are getting played with but not by me. Roman and I are just friends. Yes, we dated a few times in the past but it just doesn't work he and I. Denise told you those things to hurt me because she thinks I hurt her with that whole mess about Peter. I am sorry that you had to go through this and be involved in this situation. 
Kyle: So you two are just friends? He smiles in relief
Me: Yes, just friends, if you don't believe me I can call Ro so you two can talk about it. 
Kyle: No I believe you. I'm sorry I feel so silly. 
Me: Don't feel silly or be sorry. You thought she was looking out for you and since she is or was my friend you thought she was telling you the truth about me. He gives me another smile and sips his coffee some more. We stay quiet for a little and something inside me tells me I should just tell him about my relationship with Ro is pretty close.
Me: I just want you to know that Ro is one of my best friends, has been since we were in diapers. We hang out a lot and some people still get the idea we are dating. I just don't want you to get freaked out by it or anything. Its just that Ro depends on me a lot, he has a really bad home life and I am the constant in his life. 
Kyle: So what does that mean exactly? 
Me: It means that sometimes Ro will call when we hang out or text me. It means that sometimes when you call I will be hanging out with Ro. Don't get so worried I am going to hang out with you and get texts from you. Just know that sometimes you'll have to share my time with him. 
Kyle: like how much time? 
Me: Getting territorial on me ?

Our conversation went on for hours talking about dislikes and likes. Ro texted me a few times but I didn't get them till later. I didn't want our first time talking to have any interruptions. Kyle and I are going to take it slow. See where things go and I am so happy he believed me. Denise isn't in school today so my bitching her out will have to wait for later. All I know is that our friendship is completely over. I am so tired of her taking out all her stupid problems with herself on me. Instead of me taking the bus home today Ro is going to pick me up. He said he has some news he has to talk to me about. At this point I am hoping for some good news because if its more bad news I might just freak out. Right now I am so glad Kyle and I are getting to know each other because I get happy just thinking about it. Even if we don't take this getting to know each other to a relationship stage and just remain friends I am happy with that. I mean don't get me wrong I love hanging out with Ro and I do love him on some level but it's time for me to hang out with a guy that is uncharted. Got to go we have some new sub in our computer class who likes to walk around seeing what we are up to.

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