Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Over it

Ro came to get me after school today and well we have been hanging out ever since. We went walking in our favorite park after getting some hot cocoa and let me tell you it was FREEZING out but still nice. Ro wanted to tell me that Jacob has been asking about me a lot and apparently thought I was really cool. Then Ro told me that he thinks Jacob may have a crush on me and that I need to watch out. He then told me the questions that Jacob was asking him like what's my favorite color, place to eat and what kind of music do I like. I say Jacob is crushing hard on me. In a way its kind of cool that I have a college kid crushing on me but in the same sense it's kind of weird because we only hung out one day. Thankfully Ro had my back and said he didn't really pay attention to stuff like that.

Also Ro told me about how he saw Denise and Kyle all chummy at the mall on Sunday. That I should really watch out for Denise because it looked like she was flirting with him hard core. I was completely pissed because I could see her just laughing way to hard at something that wasn't really funny just to make a good impression when really she looks stupid. I could see her trying to subtly push out her boobs and with body language try to get him to notice that she was pushing them out.  Ugh she is such a bitch I swear. I told Ro what Kyle told me after coffee yesterday and he freaking flipped shit. He was all amp'd up to go over to her house and bitch her out right then. I had to calm him down and say that I wanted to get her really good. Then we started to talk about Kyle a little bit. I could tell Ro was getting a little antsy so I didn't really push the Kyle issue anymore. I did ask him what he thought about him and I got "Don't really know the kid, sorry"
After we just sat there on the swings sipping our hot cocoa for a little bit. Then out of no where Ro called Denise a Cunt. I just laughed because he never uses that word unless he means it about someone. Ro really can't stand Denise and he was glad to know our friendship was over. He told me how he couldn't stand having to drive her around to places or her having to tag along to parties with us. I know he has my back 100% unlike Denise he is a true best friend.

Anyways Ro plans on taking me over to her house tomorrow after school so I can get my stuff back from her. Then I am going to put her in her place and I hope Cassie is around to hear some of the stuff I have to say. Cassie is Denise's little side kick that she uses just because her family has money. Denise can't really stand Cassie but since she has a hot brother and a cool family she hangs out with Cassie every now and then. I believe she said "Cassie is a spoiled twat who is lucky she even has me as a friend because that girl is seriously a buzz kill." I don't want to hurt Cassie but I want Cassie to realize Denise is not a good friend now instead of later. Maybe I can even text Cassie tonight to talk to her about some things. Maybe I will start inviting her out to places, Denise never really wanted us to get to know each other really well. I think she was afraid we would like each other more and leave her out of the loop. Denise is very controlling and manipulative but I am no longer under Denise's thumb. I remember a time when Denise literally ditched Cassie at the mall once to go hook up with the smoothie guy Greg. Who by the way is really gross but Denise wanted a free smoothie so she let him feel her up and she gave him a hand job. Seriously I would of rather paid the money instead of give up my dignity like that for a smoothie. I guess that just shows how much of a skank and not a good friend she is huh?

I have to go Kyle is calling me right now and I really just want to talk to him. He is sort of calming, maybe I'll get him to come over and hang out with me since I don't think I can sleep tonight, too riled up!

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