Tuesday, January 18, 2011


All around today was successful. I did wonderful on my speech and since Mr. Grey knew I would worry myself sick over it he told me my grade later on in the day. I got a perfect score which means I get an extra fifteen points on our next test :) Not that I really need it anyways we are reading Hamlet and let me tell you I am in love with Shakespeare! Granite I am reading the spark notes version where it has the real play on the left side and the translation on the right I still think the usage of words is beautiful. I came home did some extra reading because I was that interested in the story and then I had some dinner with my family.

Which brings me to that topic, Which I assure you I will be writing a lot about in the future. I love my family don't get me wrong it's just some of the things they do can be really annoying. Take for instance tonight at the dinner table my cousin was chewing like a cow. Oh yeah my cousin lives right down the street from us and well her parents are always working so she eats dinner with us a lot. Anyways tonight we had some steak with russet potatoes and some broccoli. All of it was delicious but I was sort of getting sick listening to her chew with her mouth open. The smacking around of her lips and then the rolling around the meat with her tongue it all sounds slimy and well gross. I told her to stop but there is nothing more my cousin loves than annoying me. Plus my mom always sticks up for her because she feels bad about her family situation. Which don't get me wrong is messed up but that does give you the right to chew like a cow at the dinner table. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore and just took my plate to my room.

I sleep in the basement I like it down here it's quiet and people never know when I am home or not. It's kind of mysterious, plus I have my own bathroom and it's super private. People usually forget I am even down here unless I am playing my music really loud which happens a lot. Anyways I came down to my room turned on my computer and continued to eat while I waited for my computer to start up. That's when I got the text from Roman about a party going on down town with some friends of ours this weekend. My parents don't really know that I hang out with Roman anymore, they think since we moved that he and I lost touch. Or at least that is what they are hoping, but we haven't lost touch. He actually comes up here a lot to hang out with me when my whole family goes to bed. I sneak him in through our back window and we just hangout for hours in my room. Right now we are back in the friends stage even though we both know we will end up going back out soon again. It's always the same story with him we pretend to be friends for a little bit then one hot make out session and we are back to dating. Then he goes and breaks my heart by doing something stupid. Then we try the friends thing again but we all know how that goes. At this point I really don't mind it because we'll I'm young and I mean this won't be forever. I like Roman a lot though we have grown up together and I have liked him ever since first grade. We just get along really well and to be honest  I may be in a little bit of love with him. Alright I have to go Roman's calling me to give me the details about this party or he's outside my window waiting for me to let him in. Either way I have to go until next time :)

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