Monday, January 24, 2011


Sorry guys I've been away doing some things with some friends of mine. There has been so much drama and so much that has happened since my last post. So let's pick up where I left off last time. Roman came over that night we talked about some things and then we fell asleep. See Roman has a really bad home life I think its part of the reason why I feel so close to him because we both have problems at home. Not only have we been friends since we were young ducklings but I just feel like in some weird way we could actually save each other. Anyways he came over talked about some home problems and since he didn't have a place to go for the night I told him to stay over. I mean no one ever comes down to my room in the basement and I mean it was already 4 in the morning by the time we stopped talking. My parents were already asleep and I figured my alarm would go off for school and I'd be a good daughter get ready instead of having mom have to call my cell like five times to wake me up. I didn't want to chance either of my parents coming all the way down three flights to wake me up with Roman asleep in my room.
Luckily I woke up on the first ring of my alarm. I woke Roman up to so he could sneak out my window before my parents woke up. Of course I went upstairs to check before he left my room at all. Lucky for me my parents decided to sleep in a little that morning so Roman got out and I didn't get in trouble.
Friday was the day of the party and Denise was being extremely up my arse the whole fooking day at school. I think she was trying to be on my good side so she wouldn't be uninvited to the party. That night I rushed out my parents house after dinner to Denise's house so we could go to the mall pick out some cute shirts to wear for the party. Of course we ran into Peter this guitar player from some lame-o band that Denise is obsessed with, I just thinks she wants to screw Peter.  I mean the whole band sucks except for the drummer Jessy who is kind of cute. Anyways as soon as we ran into him it was like I didn't exist to Denise except Peter kept trying to include me in their conversation which Denise didn't look to happy about. I didn't really care for Peter his friend Kyle on the other hand was interesting. I mean we didn't really talk much it was one of those awkward moments where you know the guy isn't interested in the girl but the girl is trying so hard to get his attention. Yeah, it was like, a fooking train wreck. I broke the ice, introduced myself, he told me his name was Kyle, something I would of never guessed. He looked more like a Christian or Gerard. He had this brownish reddish hair and these really cool blue eyes that were almost gray. His lips were definitely plump nice for kissing and he had these little freckles beneath his eyes they weren't in your face freckles but faint like if you got close enough you'd just notice them. He had this lilt to his speaking like he was Scottish or Irish but it wasn't enough for me to pin point which. It was only on certain words which was really cute. Anyways what I did find out was that he was into BMX, Skate-boarding, Surfing and he was new in town. Some how he was related to Peter but I saw no relation. I ended up inviting him out to the party we were going to and Denise's face looked shocked. Which then I remembered that some other guy who Denise liked was going to the party and she totally didn't want Peter and this other kid to be at the same party. It would be "too conflicting" she said.
Anyways we got our outfits, left the mall, changed at her house and Roman picked us up as usual. I sat in the front with Roman which Denise hates because we end up having conversations she can't keep up with, she always tries to get me to sit in the back with her or have her sit up front but Roman always tells me to sit up front with him. He doesn't really like Denise because of how catty she can be at times with me. He called her a "mean girl" after we watched mean girls. That was the night Roman came over after a huge fight with his dad and Denise yelled at me for something dumb. We were both pretty down so he came over to watch movies and surprisingly he picked Mean Girls. Anyways we went to the party and of course Meghan was there to just make matters worse. See Meghan is friends with Jay who is one of Romans friends so we always run the risk of Meghan showing up at some parties we go to. I am fine with it because I don't really have a problem with the girl. Except that she hates me for some unknown reason but I don't push the issue. Now Denise on the other hand always does, she ends up talking about her the whole night and trying to steal whatever guy Meghan is talking to from her. It's so petty I just come to hang out and have a good time.
Seeing that  Meghan was there and knowing Denise was already on edge because Peter and I forget the other kids name she liked was going to be at the same party I totally didn't want to stick by her side for the night. So as soon as I got in Ro and I went to the keg Denise followed we got our drinks and I worked the party. I started talking to all the people I knew and Denise kept talking about Meghan. I just blocked her out most of the time you know going uhuh or stupid bitch when I felt like she needed to think I was paying attention. At some point she left my hip and went to go dance with some dude. I was thankful some one took her from me even for a short while. I then found Ro upstairs talking to Jay and a few other friends. We ended up bonging some beers and taking some shots. I think around midnight Kyle and Peter showed up with Jessy. I talked to them for a little but Ro came to get so we could have a cig outside. Well I don't really smoke just take a couple drags from Ro's cig nothing really major. Of course we're outside talking freezing our arses off and Denise comes out freaking out. Talking about some dude grabbed her boob and how her make up looks messed up. How she needs me to go upstairs to help her fix herself for Peter. So I leave Ro and go with her. I end up helping her fix herself don't know how because at that point I'm feeling pretty good. We go down stairs find Peter and the gang. I ask Kyle if he wants a beer and we go off to find the keg. Kyle shows me his tattoo which is on his left arm. It's his family crest or something. Apparently he is from Ireland but they moved here when he was 9 years old because of some drama. We ended up talking the rest of the night until Ro texted me about leaving. Kyle and I ended up exchanging numbers which was pretty cool.
I finally join the party with Kyle behind me to find Denise arguing with Meghan. Some serious drama broke out then. I go over to get her and she flips out on me. Something about where was I when she needed me. How crappy of a friend of I am. I asked her what happened and she told me "Meghan was just being a bitch again trying to steal my men." I just roll my eyes. See Denise thinks that once she gets with someone that they are forever dubbed her men. No one can touch them not even the fooking queen herself for anything. So apparently Denise went to the bathroom and when she came back down Peter was flirting with Meghan. In Denise's eyes it was Meghan flirting with Peter. Like I said Train Wreck.
I told her Ro was outside ready to leave and she freaked out saying she wasn't leaving because that would give Meghan the upper hand. I told her we had to go because Ro was our ride and I was not going to make him stay for her petty little game with Meghan. She freaked out on me called me a bitch and that's when all hell broke out. Ro saw her yelling at me and came over to tell her to calm down. Kyle came out to see what was going on. I went into the party got Peter and told him to come outside. He came out and I embarrassed the shit out Denise. I told Peter everything that was said to me from Denise about him and he came out to tell her that he went up to Meghan. That he actually likes Meghan and has for some time. How he just wanted to be friends with Denise and not hurt her feelings. Denise looked crushed and I hated seeing that on her face but hell there was no way I was getting blamed for this one. Plus Ro and I wanted to leave she was causing a scene. So we finally got her in the car she stayed quiet the whole time. Ro dropped us off and once he drove off she freaked out on me again. Saying that I planned to make her look like a fool in front of everyone and that I was no longer her best friend. I told her that she needed to know that Peter didn't like her and she wouldn't believe me so I had to get Peter to tell her. She told me to get my shit and that she didn't want to talk to me for a little. She is always being so melodramatic so I got my shit and called Ro to come get me.

That night we went to New York ourselves.

It was the best day of my life so far. We drove all night to get to New York city and then we crashed a college party. Apparently Ro's friend goes to school around there and they were having keg races or something like that. I don't know what it was called but we ate breakfast first and then fixed ourselves up. We got to the party early and started to drink with Ro's friend Jacob. I was introduced to my first bong and learned how to smoke hookah. I was completely a waste by the time 2 PM rolled around. Ro was tired of the scene so we left there with Jacob and went sight seeing. I was completely wasted and surprised that no cops arrested us. I mean we weren't stumbling or anything but we were being obnoxious. We took pictures in some clothing stores. It was quit funny seeing Ro and Jacob in chick clothes. I dressed like a dude. Jacob bought me this cute shirt from this expensive store I never heard of but he said "You looked really good in it so I figured you had to have it" I didn't know what to say but thank you of course. Ro knows the coolest people. We ended up going to a diner to eat some food around 7PM to which I was coming out of high and drunken state. I hadn't slept and been running on coffee, alcohol and mentos for over 24 hours. I was crashing bad so we decided to go back to Jacobs because the party would have been over and moved on to another house. We got back and it was seriously trashed. We cleaned up a little bit and I downed a couple of shots to keep my energy up.
Ro ended up falling asleep on the couch and I ended up watching cartoons with Jacob. Apparently he is studying to be a lawyer and he's 22 years old. When I told him my age he seemed surprised apparently I look much older and don't act my age. Jacob is really smart and handsome. He is really tall, has dark hair and these hazel brown eyes. I would say he has some Roman background because he definitely has a Roman's nose. His lips are like some what plump but not like Kyles, still kissable though. Jacob ended up taking me to a store to get some Mentos I ran out and we ended up stopping by some cute little boutique. He bought me a cute skirt to go with the shirt I was wearing he got me earlier and matching heels. He then asked me to do him a favor which I couldn't refuse because the guy just bought me the cutest outfit. We ended up going to dinner with his parents and he needed to take a date. We went to this really nice restaurant and his parents are really awesome. Apparently they approved of me you know me going to school to be a doctor and all. We came up with this elaborate lie and Jacob said I did really well. We got back laughing and Ro looked pissed. We left New York around 10 PM and Ro was really quiet for a long time. I finally broke the ice and he just let me have it. Saying that Jacob was an asshole and I should of never left the apartment with him. That I shouldn't  of accepted the outfit because now I will owe Jacob or something. I mean it's not like I will ever run into Jacob again unless I am with Ro so it's no big deal. We ended up talking everything out and things are fine now. I slept on the way home and woke up once we got back to Ro's parents house. I showered there and we slept until the next morning. I made it home in enough time to make it for my family thing.

Sunday was lame. I was seriously hurting from all the partying but the good news is Kyle texted me. Said he wanted to hang out and get some coffee after school on Monday. Well which is today. He goes to a school around my neighborhood so he is going to walk over to the local coffee shop and meet up with me. Denise texted me saying she was mad at me for not taking her to New York.

I haven't talked to Denise yet today. I don't really plan on it either because I did nothing wrong. She is always doing some like this every time we go out some where and she doesn't get what she wants.  I am super excited about meeting up with Kyle and still super hung over. That's what I get for partying so hard. Oh well I shall update about my little coffee date with Kyle. Oh I almost forgot apparently Jacob programmed his number into my phone. He keeps texting me saying he wants to come visit me and Ro soon. I mean I have no problem with Jacob but it was kind of scary that Ro said I shouldn't of trusted Jacob so easily. He is right I had no clue who Jacob was and I was in a city that I didn't know anyone but Ro. Something could of easily happened to me especially since I was still drunk. I guess I just trusted in Ro's judgment and figured it was okay to hang out with him while Ro slept. Anyways the bell is ringing I have to go peeps.

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