Thursday, January 27, 2011


Seriously Fuxs Denise and her Fuxing ugly self. She just pisses me off to the max. Like how could she do this to me. How could she start these rumors about me at school. Like she wasn't even in all fuxing week and I get into school today to be asked "Hey I over heard that your pregnant with that kid Roman's baby, is it true?" Like what the Fux dude, there is not fuxing way I am prego. Seriously I haven't even had sex yet, I just mess around other ways nothing that major. I mean I am only fuxing 14 years old. Like Peter came up to me at lunch today to talk about it because he is looking out for Kyle. I told him it wasn't true that I am still a virgin, never even had sex, sex yet. I quickly call Kyle after talking to Peter because I told Peter I wanted to tell Kyle about the rumor. Peter actually sat outside with me while I talked to him about the whole thing.

So once I told Kyle he asked me and Peter to meet him after school at the Coffee shop. I agreed and told him that I was going to tell Ro to come too so we can all talk this out. He didn't seem to happy about that but I thought it was necessary since the rumor did involve him. So I made Peter stay with me while I talked to Ro about the whole thing. He decided on picking me up from school and Peter so we can just get to the Coffee shop sooner. Once we got out of school Peter told me to hold his arm while walking out of school. Everyone just stared at us and then when they saw Ro standing by his car it didn't help matters either. I mean he wasn't helping the situation by looking all Joaquin Phoenix in Johnny Cash's movie. He had black pants on, a black tight T shirt with a Black jacket over it and Some black shades. His hair is dark but he wears it like Jame Franco wears his hair usually. He just looked all suave and debonair standing by his car waiting for me and Peter. Everyone was whispering about me and Ro, I could feel all their eyes on me.

The weird thing is that strange number texted me again saying that they warned me about who I trusted. That they knew the rumor was false but school won't believe it once the faculty gets a hold of this it will be the end of me. So then I slightly freaked out because if the faculty hear this rumor then my parents will be contacted for sure. Once they hear Ro's name they will know we hang out still and I will be in deep shit.

Once we got to the Coffee Shop I ordered myself and Kyle Caramel Macchiatto's. Ro drinks tea and Peter just had some water. We sat down by a window in the corner and discussed the whole situation. Peter told everyone what he heard and what people were saying about me. So then I told them how I found out it was Denise. I started getting a whole bunch of people who know me and talk to me sometimes asking the same question "is it true?" I told them it was all lies and asked who they heard from. Eventually you track down enough people it will lead back to the source. Apparently this girl Flo saw Denise yesterday night at the Burger Shack with some girl. They exchanged a couple greetings and then Flo asked why Denise wasn't in school this week. Apparently there have been some family issues going on or whatever. Then Flo asked her about the whole Peter thing, because when you go to parties that people from school go to news is bound to travel there was a scuffle. So Denise apparently decided to tell Flo that we were no longer friends because I was a loose girl. Flo asked her what she meant by that and Denise told Flo that apparently I fux everyone. That Ro and I are in some sort of open relationship. That I have been hiding from everyone and Ro that I was knocked up.

That fuxing Bitch! How the fux dare she say such lies about me. When in reality it's Denise who is the loose girl. She even had a prego scare last month when she fux'd Brian from our English class in the fuxing school bathroom. Of course I didn't tell this Flo. I then asked Flo why would she say anything to anyone in school but apparently Denise said it so loud that Debbie Pitts over heard the conversation and joined in to hear details. Once Debbie fuxing Pitts knows something she blabbers her fuxing big ass lips to everyone she knows. So now I have no clue what to do because I really don't want the faculty to know. I cannot afford to get kicked out of school for this nor can I afford to not see Ro anymore. So I came up with a plan to get a couple of girls from school to watch me pee on a couple of Prego tests to show them I am definitely NOT PREGO! I am sure they will go blabber to everyone that it was all a lie. Then tomorrow after school I am going to get Cassie to call Denise to come some where to meet up. Denise won't know that I am there and I will confront the bitch about all her lies. I already asked Flo and Debbie Pitts to be at the park tomorrow after school. I told Cassie the whole thing and she agreed that Denise needed to go down after that rumor. I asked Brian to be there and well Kyle, Peter and Ro will be there for me too. I also asked Peter to bring Meghan just to rub it in Denise's face.

Oh by the way I figured out why Meghan hated me so much. Apparently Denise had her locker close to Meghan the beginning of the school year. While Denise was at her locker talking to GiGi she said very loudly that I can't stand Meghan. Saying how annoying I am when I complain how Meghan is trying to be me and how I called Meghan a cunt. I have never said any of those things about Meghan ever in my entire life. So when Peter told me this I had him call Meghan instantly. He told her I wanted to talk to her and that everything was cool. I told her I never said anything mean about her, that Denise made everything up and that it was in face Denise who hated Meghan. I also told Meghan that I have never had a problem with her and that I would love to smooth things over a cup of Coffee tomorrow. She agreed to be at the park and agreed to the coffee.

Denis is going the fux down in fuxing flames. When I am done with that piece of trash she will be so sorry she ever double crossed me and tried to make my life a living hell. I swear I will ruin her fuxing life tomorrow after noon with all the shit I am going to let out of the woodwork.

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