Sunday, February 6, 2011

I never knew just what it was about this old coffee I love so much

Okay so here is what has been happening in my world lately.

Ro is not over me, its completely obvious. We had this twitter battle or whatever after he tried to kiss me. Like I just don't get it he doesn't show interest for two months then Kyle walks into my life and BAM Ro wants me again. I seriously can't take this anymore. I mean don't get me wrong I love Ro but things between us never work out, ever. 

So I talked to a friend about it, an outside party, someone who doesn't know anyone in my life. It felt great to just vent and this person gave me the best advice "Go with your gut feeling, what does your instinct tell you?"

Well my gut and I had a conversation. It wasn't that long because I think I knew all along what it was saying. See if I really wanted to be with Ro I would of let him kiss me right? Right. The fact that I didn't means that I don't really want to be with RO. Atleast not right now. What ever it is that Kyle is doing I am absolutely loving it. I mean I am crushing on him hardcore. We talk a whole bunch, we meet up at the coffee shop as often as we can and well it's been fun getting to know someone. We have only kissed and held hands and I really like that. There is no pressure to do anything than just enjoy each others company.

See with Ro I feel like I have to be as cool as he is and sometimes that gets overwhelming. Like when its just Ro and I hanging out its perfect. When there are other people involved its like I can't be myself. I feel like I kind of embarrass him or he ends up getting jealous. Sometimes he even disappears for a bit when we hang out. I just don't know if I can trust him with my heart right now. So I choose Kyle and when I told RO this he freaked out on me. I know I crushed his feelings a bit but seriously we have been doing this dance since we were ten years old. I think we need a break, we need to date other people and I think or atleast I hope this will save our friendship. I haven't hung out with Ro in a few days and to be honest I kind of miss him. I mean how do you go from seeing someone every single day to not seeing them at all. I just hope we can make it through this little rough patch because well I don't want to lose my best friend.

Alright guys I have to go do my homework I haven't done any of it at all this weekend.. Laters -_-

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