Thursday, March 17, 2011

I'm thinking about all the things I'd like to do in my life

So I'm pretty much a dreamer, I would totally love to travel the world and just be free, ya know? I mean who doesn't want to discover the land and find out what hidden secrets you find out about yourself?

The thing is I know it's not in the cards for me unless I'm with Ro of course, he can do anything he wants it's like no one can touch him. He just goes around doing whatever and no one questions him really. We go to parties all the time, we stay out late and as long as I'm with him it's like I'm untouchable as well.

Jacob's parents were severely disappointed in him but he got it expunged off of his record. Obviously his parents have weight (money ) and know people who know people. It was all cleared up before his school even got wind of it, lucky bastard. Ro and Jacob are the two luckiest people I have ever met in my life. They just do whatever and nothing, I mean nothing happens to them except a little slap on the wrist.

I wish it were the case for me, if my parents ever found out half the things I do.... well I don't want to think about what they'd do to me. Lets just not talk about it and say we did.. agreed? Agreed.

So back to my dreams..

I'd love to travel
I'd love to have a whirl wind romance with some hot Italian lover
I'd love to live on a vineyard or some type of farm for a short while
I'd love to wake up next to the ocean for a whole year
I'd love to own my own bakery.

Yeah I said it, a bake shop.. what of it?
I love to bake it really calms me for some reason..
Maybe it has to do with when I was younger I used to bake with my dad on my birthdays. We'd bake cupcakes, a cake, cookies and apple turnovers. No we never really ate all of it but it gave us all the reason for me to have a birthday party so all these pastries would go mom never liked leftovers. 

Maybe some day my dreams will come true? 

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