Thursday, March 17, 2011

I'm thinking about all the things I'd like to do in my life

So I'm pretty much a dreamer, I would totally love to travel the world and just be free, ya know? I mean who doesn't want to discover the land and find out what hidden secrets you find out about yourself?

The thing is I know it's not in the cards for me unless I'm with Ro of course, he can do anything he wants it's like no one can touch him. He just goes around doing whatever and no one questions him really. We go to parties all the time, we stay out late and as long as I'm with him it's like I'm untouchable as well.

Jacob's parents were severely disappointed in him but he got it expunged off of his record. Obviously his parents have weight (money ) and know people who know people. It was all cleared up before his school even got wind of it, lucky bastard. Ro and Jacob are the two luckiest people I have ever met in my life. They just do whatever and nothing, I mean nothing happens to them except a little slap on the wrist.

I wish it were the case for me, if my parents ever found out half the things I do.... well I don't want to think about what they'd do to me. Lets just not talk about it and say we did.. agreed? Agreed.

So back to my dreams..

I'd love to travel
I'd love to have a whirl wind romance with some hot Italian lover
I'd love to live on a vineyard or some type of farm for a short while
I'd love to wake up next to the ocean for a whole year
I'd love to own my own bakery.

Yeah I said it, a bake shop.. what of it?
I love to bake it really calms me for some reason..
Maybe it has to do with when I was younger I used to bake with my dad on my birthdays. We'd bake cupcakes, a cake, cookies and apple turnovers. No we never really ate all of it but it gave us all the reason for me to have a birthday party so all these pastries would go mom never liked leftovers. 

Maybe some day my dreams will come true? 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Take it slow

Shit. Fuck. Shit. Shit. Fuckkkkkk...

Everything is so messed up and it all happened in the past twenty four hours. How could he be so stupid?

Jacob was arrested last night for being drunk in public and of course the cops searched him. Well what did they find on him? WEED! So now he is locked up for possesion as well! Damn it Damn it Damn it!

We were out partying it up and some how he wandered away from the party drunk as hell. The cops found him walking along side of the road a few blocks away and pulled over. Apparently he was slurring like he just had an epileptic attack so the cops knew instantly he was drunk. Now of course Jacob is of age so they were just like okay we'll drive you home, but when they saw he was from New York they knew they had a little problem. So they were just going to take him in a holding cell to just sleep it off and have someone get him in the morning, no big deal. Well Jacob started to resist getting in the car and that is when they were going to take him in, in. Then when they got to the station they checked his pockets and BINGO the weed was found! So now they really had to take him in for possession. So now Jacob is in the slammer and he had to call his parents to come bail him out. I just have a feeling they are going to know it was me and Ro involved some how. I mean he came to sleep over Ro's place last night we were just supposed to hang out till about 1 at some party and then peace out, have a nice time out. Jacob obviously pushed it too far and now he's in big trouble. I just don't know what this is going to do with him being in school to be a lawyer? I mean do you get kicked out because you were arrested for possession? Ugh, I just feel horrible :(

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Holy Hell Guys

I am so so sorry for leaving you like this for such a very long time :(

Lets get into things |Cracks all knuckles and assumes the typing position| Takes a long Inhalation of this tabacco stick otherwise known as the cancer stick..

Okay so I no longer hang out with the same group of kids on a regular anymore well except for Cassie and Ro. I talk to Meghan in class and Peter at lunch but I don't really hang out with them. See they are so in love they do stuff on their own, every once in a blue they'll call us up to hang out but usually they keep to themselves. As for Kyle well we don't really talk at all anymore which is perfectly fine by me. I think he judges me a little with who I've become over the past few weeks.

Anyways rememeber Jacob the guy who goes to University in New York? Well he comes around a lot, Ro has been hanging out with him a ton more which means so have I. I know Jacob likes me, its pretty obvious when he's around me and Ro doesn't like it at all.

Ro and I are still on the whole friends stage, which I like way better than trying to be his girlfriend but he still gets jealous. When we go out to parties and guys hit on me I can feel him watching me like a hawk. Sometimes when he gets really drunk he tries to barge in our conversations but I don't let him intimidate anyone I'm talking to I just play it cool.

In ten days is my birthday and I am super excited because that means I am one year closer to getting my drivers license. I already talked to my parents and this summer I am going to get my permit and once school starts up again I will take driver's ed. It's after school which sucks major monkey balls but hey I want to drive so I have to do what I have to. For right now I'm content with Ro driving me around places but sometimes its gets a little tiring having to deal with him, especially since I know how he feels about me and well if I want to go some party to get my groove on I feel like I can't. Anyways it doesn't matter it's not like I lost my virginity just yet maybe 15 will be the year I lose it but then I think about it and to me that just seems slutty. I guess it will happen when it happens until then I am content with a little heavy petting :)

Alright I have got to go guys the bell is ringing! Toodles